This is a simple, concise book designed to be useful for beginners and to be kept as a reference. MATLAB is presently a globally available standard computational tool for engineers and scientists. The terminology, syntax, and the use of the programming language are well defined and the organization of the material makes it easy to locate information and navigate through the textbook. The text covers all the major capabilities of MATLAB that are useful for beginning students. An instructorżs manual and other web resources are available.The text is written for freshman engineering students and uses mathematics appropriate for this level. |Numerous examples and homework problems drawn from all the fields of engineering. |Students can use the text as a reference in later courses because it contains many tables that summarize the MATLAB commands.|Expanded coverage of programming now includes structured programming and logical variables.|Function handles, anonymous functions, subfunctions, and nested functions are now treated.|Coverage of SimulinkŽ has been expanded to a separate chapter in light of its growing popularity.|A new Appendix B contains an introduction to producing animation and sound with MATLAB. |