Introduction to International Economics Study Guide

Dominick Salvatore
Introduction to International Economics Study Guide
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"Introduction to International Economics, 2nd Edition" has been revised and updated to deliver the most current information on today's global economy for a one-semester course. Renowned educator and author, Dominick Salvatore provides a clear presentation with several case studies per chapter to make difficult economic principles easy to understand, in a real-world context. By covering the topics essential to an understanding of the global economy, this text is easily accessible for economics, business, and political science majors, alike. For any international economics course, Salvatore's 2nd edition takes the students' understanding of economics well beyond the classroom and across the globe
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-470-42948-8, 9780470429488
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons

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