Introduction to Comparative Government

M. Needler
Introduction to Comparative Government
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With an accessible, descriptive approach and an easy-to-use, three-part structure within each chapter, this flexible comparative text that is about 25% less expensive than its competitors.Instead of focusing on one perspective to the exclusion of others, Introduction to Comparative Government exposes students to multiple approaches. Instructors and students can choose the comparative approach that they think is most helpful for understanding the whole or parts of political systems. The text offers nine country study and two region study chapters, which have all been updated to reflect the most recent election results, the war in Iraq, the expansion of the EU, and notable terrorist attacks. The text features the most current scholarship available, and the Introduction now includes additional comparative coverage of the US.Chapters on industrialized democratic countries (Great Britain, France, Germany, and Japan), Communist and former Communist countries (China and Russia), and developing countries on different continents (India, Mexico, Nigeria, and the Middle East). Different theoretical perspectives make this an extremely flexible text-instructors can choose which perspectives to emphasize and students learn that there is no one way to analyze governments. 25% less expensive than similar texts. Brief "Country Biography" in each country study chapter offers students a concise, helpful overview. "Thinking Critically" questions end each major chapter section and ask students to critically analyze and apply text material. Web Site sections appear at the end of each major chapter section, giving students suggestions for useful Web sites for research or exploring topics in more depth. Analyses of the branches of government, especially the judiciary.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-321-36481-4, 9780321364814
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Longman Group

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