Introduction to Communication Disorders 3e

Robert E. Owens
Introduction to Communication Disorders 3e
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Introduction to Communication Disorders: A Life Span Perspective, Third Edition,is a comprehensive overview of the fields of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, written in an appealing and highly readable manner. This text catalogs and discusses each disorder with an emphasis on how the disorder impacts the individual. It serves as a foundation by providing many viewpoints for the introductory student, offering personal stories from people with communication disorders and examining the field from a lifespan perspective. In addition, the text discusses the best models of good practice and approaches for assessment and intervention based on the authors' own clinical experiences. Each chapter describes a specific disorder, related assessment, and applicable intervention methods. Each disorder is also illustrated by the personal story of an individual with that disorder. More than merely a catalog, Introduction to Communication Disorders, Third Edition, brings students into the daily lives of individuals who suffer from a disorder.Provides students with a holistic view of communication disorders, with lifespan issues highlighted in each chapter. A greater lifespan perspective throughout the text allows students to better understand the real-life effects of a communication impairment. Uses evidence-based practice to guide students in all the therapeutic approaches. Includes numerous technical photographs-not often seen in introductory texts-providing another source from which students can learn. Stimulates students' interest with thought questions placed throughout each chapter and margin notes that highlight key discussion topics. Concludes each chapter withsuggested readings and Web addresses to provide additional avenues for student research. TECHNOLOGY ADVANTAGE- An accompanying CD-ROM, packaged FREE inside every textbook, serves as a student study guide, providing audio and video examples of communication disorders. TECHNOLOGY ADVANTAGE- A Web-based PowerPoint presentation enables multimedia lectures.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-205-48787-5, 9780205487875
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Allyn & Bacon

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