Introduction to Animal Science

W. Damron
Introduction to Animal Science
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For introductory courses in Animal Science.Now in its Third Edition, Introduction to Animal Science: Global, Biological, Social and Industry Perspectives continues to present the most complete, up-to-date coverage of the traditional disciplines that are so essential to a soild foundation in Animal Science: nutrition, digestion, feeds, genetics, reproduction, disease, and animal behavior. Species-focused chapters include the major species (horse, dair cattle, beef cattle, sheep, goat, poultry, and swine) as well as the minor species (aquaculture, pets/companion animals, the lamoids, and rabbits).In addition, however, the study of modern Animal Science also requires a comprehensive, non-traditional approach that effectively introduces the discipline as an ever-changing and integral part of every aspect of human existence. For this reason, author W. Stephen Damron not only presents thorough coverage of the major species and their respective concerns - he also challenges the reader to consider the many pressing interests relevant to Animal Science as it influences and is influenced by society today.Four-Part Organization-easily accommodates the three major approaches of animal science: biological, industry or species.Provides flexibility and can be used easily by many different instructors. Thorough coverage of the biological disciplines-such as nutrition, digestion, feeds, genetics, reproduction, disease, animal behavior.Promotes an in-depth understanding of traditional Animal Science topics. Chapters devoted to a wide variety of animal species-in Part III.Introduce students to both macro species (beef cattle, dairy cattle, poultry, swine, sheep, goats) and micro species (aquaculture, rabbits, the lamoids, companion animals).Discuss the history, trends and structure of a variety of animal industries. A Global perspective-appears throughout the text.Discusses the impact of animals on humans throughout the world.Introduces students to types of agriculture found around the world and the influences other countries have on U.S. animal industries. Societal issues relevant to Animal Science-are discussed in Part IV.Introduces students to concerns affecting industry such as animal welfare, animal rights, food safety, ethical resource allocation, and sustainability of agriculture.Includes highly publicized issues such as mad cow disease and bioterrorism
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-13-118932-4, 9780131189324
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Prentice Hall

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