Intersubband Transitions In Quantum Structures

R. Paiella
Intersubband Transitions In Quantum Structures
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Advances in epitaxial growth and nanofabrication technology in the past several years have made it possible to engineer sophisticated semiconductor quantum devices with unprecedented control of their electronic and optical properties. A particularly important class of such devices is based on intersubband transitions, i.e. optical transitions between quantized electronic states in semiconductor heterostructures. Most notably, mid-infrared quantum-well infrared photodetectors (QWIPs) and quantum cascade lasers nowadays offer superior performance for applications such as thermal imaging, spectroscopy, and biochemical sensing, and have recently become commercially available. Intersubband devices also have the potential for a revolutionary impact in the fields of silicon photonics, terahertz sensing, and ultra-high-bandwidth fiber-optic communications, and extensive research is ongoing to fulfill this promise. Joined by an international group of world experts, Paiella describes the basic device physics and applications of intersubband transitions, as well as the more recent and important developments in this exciting area of semiconductor nanotechnology.This volume provides a comprehensive review of the basic physics and applications of optoelectronic devices based on intersubband transitions in semiconductor quantum structures. Written by a team of world-class experts, this landmark guide describes both the fundamentals of operation of intersubband devices and the more recent and important developments in this exciting area of semiconductor nanotechnology. More than 1,700 companies in 34 nations are already pursuing the commercial promise of nanotechnology Describes techniques widely used in industry today and their improvementFundamentals of intersubband lasers, detectors, and nonlinear optical devicesThe utilization of silicon- and antimony-based heterostructures in fabrication Describes techniques widely used in industry today and their improvement
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-07-145792-7, 9780071457927
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: McGraw-Hill

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