International Law for International Relations

B. Cali
International Law for International Relations
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The breadth of international law and institutions in contemporary global politics means it is no longer possible to make sense of international politics without understanding international law. International Law for International Relations provides students with comprehensive coverage that maps out the different ways to approach the study of international law. It explains the institutions and main sources of international law-making and identifies the key topics of international law. This is the ideal text for students of international relations who have not previously studied law and post-graduate students of any background tackling international law for the first time. The complexities of international law are presented in an accessible, animated way allowing students to appreciate the significance of international law in international relations. * Exclusively dedicated to studying International Law in an International Relations context. * Written by internationally renowned academics and practitioners in the fields of international law and international relations from a wide selection of countries. * Provides an understanding of the role and place of non-state actors in international law, enabling students to appreciate the complexities of contemporary international law. * The different patterns of interaction between law and politics in each topic are clearly explained. * Explains and expands on the wide variety of compliance issues that affect different topics of international law.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-19-955842-1, 9780199558421
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press

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