Interfacial Processes and Molecular Aggregation of Surfactan

R. Narayanan
Interfacial Processes and Molecular Aggregation of Surfactan
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Given the enormous interest in surface phenomena in areas ranging from materials science to applications in life science, this volume is a very timely addition to the literature. Emphasis is on surfactants mediating interfacial and molecular aggregation phenomena, and the following topics are reviewed in particular: dissolution rates, equilibrium adsorption, mixing rules, and spreading on a solid surface of surfactants, as well as the role of surfactants in mediating a range of processes, such as the fabrication of various nanomaterials. Written and edited by leading experts, this volume is dedicated to Professor Dinesh O. Shah, one of the pioneers in this field.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-3-540-69809-8, 9783540698098
Wydawnictwo: Springer

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