Interfacial Chemistry of Rocks and Soils

N. Nagy
Interfacial Chemistry of Rocks and Soils
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Knowledge of the basic interactions that take place between geological materials and different substances is the first step in understanding the effects of adsorption and other interfacial processes on the quality of rocks and soils, and on driving these processes towards a beneficial or neutral result. Interfacial Chemistry of Rocks and Soils examines the different processes at solid and liquid interfaces of soil and rock, presenting a complete analysis that emphasizes the importance of chemical species on these interactions.Summarizing the results and knowledge of the authors? research in this field over several decades, this volume: * Explores the individual components of the studied systems: the solid, the solution, and the interface * Discusses the characteristics and thermodynamics of the interface * Illustrates the kinetic aspects of interfacial reactions * Examines interfacial processes in a montmorillonite model system * Demonstrates transformations initiated by interfacial processes * Studies interfacial processes of real rock and soil solution systems * Outlines avenues of treatment that may solve geological, soil science, and environmental problems * Profiles the most important analytical methods in the study of interfacial processes
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4200-9132-8, 9781420091328
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: CRC Press Inc.

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