Engineering practice often has to deal with complex systems of multiple variable and multiple parameter models almost always with strong non-linear coupling. The conventional analytical techniques-based approaches for describing and predicting the behaviour of such systems in many cases are doomed to failure from the outset, even in the phase of the construction of a more or less appropriate mathematical model. These approaches normally are too categorical in the sense that in the name of is a key element of machine intelligence. The past decade confirmed that the view of typical components of the present soft computing as fuzzy logic, neural computing, evolutionary computation and probabilistic reasoning are of complementary nature and that the best results can be applied by their combined application. Today, the two complementary branches of Machine Intelligence, that is, Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence serve as the basis of Intelligent Engineering Systems. The huge number of scientific results published in Journal and conference proceedings worldwide substantiates this statement. The present book contains several articles taking different viewpoints in the field of intelligent systems.