Insects and Wildlife

J. Capinera
Insects and Wildlife
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This book provides a comprehensive overview of the interrelationships of insects and wildlife. It serves as an introduction to insects and other arthropods for wildlife management and other vertebrate biology students, and emphasizes the importance of insects to wild vertebrate animals. The book emphasizes how insects exert important influences on wildlife habitat suitability and wildlife population sustainability, including their direct and indirect effects on wildlife health. Among the important topics covered are:the importance of insects as food items for vertebrate animals;the role of arthropods as determinants of ecosystem health and productivity;the ability of arthropods to transmit disease-causing agents;an overview of representative disease-causing agents transmitted by arthropods;arthropods as pests and parasites of vertebrates;the hazards to wildlife associated with using using pesticides to protect against insect damage;insect management using techniques other than pesticides;the importance of insect conservation and how insects influence wildlife conservation.
Data wydania: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-4443-3300-8, 9781444333008
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Blackwell Science

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