Innovate or Perish

Edward Kahn
Innovate or Perish
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A look at global innovation issues and what companies must do to survive and thrive This thought-provoking work explores next-generation integration of intellectual property law, technology, and business strategy and uniquely addresses why the global marketplace is here to stay. Edited by Edward Kahn, a leading intellectual property expert, Innovate or Perish reveals insights by some of the most seasoned and knowledgeable IP and patent experts in the country with valuable advice on how to build and integrate intellectual property management (IPM) into a companys long-term plan. Edward Kahn (Cambridge, MA) is founder and former president of UTEK-EKMS, Inc., an intellectual property management firm that helps companies realize the full commercial value of their patents and technologies, with clients including Boeing, Raytheon, DuPont, IBM Corp., Dow, Cephalon, and Boston Scientific.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-471-77930-8, 9780471779308
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons

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