Imperialism & Postcolonialism

B. Bush
Imperialism & Postcolonialism
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Imperialism and Postcolonialism is a comprehensive look at the history of empire, from the Roman times to the present American empire. The book looks at changes in the way that imperialism has been understood and thought about. It compares empires and looks at the relationship between the history of empire and the histories of individual countries. The book incorporates themes such as culture and national identity in Britain and the relationship between imperialism and modernity.Covers a wide time span and geographical range, ranging from the Roman empire to present-day America. Includes case studies of Ireland, China, Japan and Africa. Examines perspectives on gender, race and resistance. Interrogates the relationship between culture and imperialism. Explores recent developments in historical, political, literary and cultural studies of imperialism. Spans the colonial and postcolonial eras and addresses the legacy of imperialism.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-582-50583-4, 9780582505834
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Longman Group

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