Immunology 7e

D. Male
Immunology 7e
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Extensively updated, with new contributors, brilliant new illustrations and a wealth of supporting material online, this 7th edition offers you a carefully structured approach to learning the building blocks of the immune system, as well as initiation and actions of the immune response. The website which accompanies this text gives access to all the images in the book, up to 20 detailed animation sequences (which link to further supporting text, illustrations, molecular models and video clips), 8 lectures which explain how the immune system responds to different infections or to tissue grafts, and a test bank of over 200+ multiple choice and 100 USMLE-style questions.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-323-03399-2, 9780323033992
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Mosby

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