Imaging in Neuroscience and Development: A Laboratory Manual

Arthur Konnerth, Rafael Yuste
Imaging in Neuroscience and Development: A Laboratory Manual
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As imaging studies have continued to expand in scope and sophistication, this edition has expanded to include Development, with over 20 new chapters on such topics as MRI microscopy, imaging early developmental events, and labeling single neurons.
Data wydania: 2004-09-15
ISBN: 978-0-87969-689-4, 9780879696894
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Kategoria: Medycyna
Stron: 854


Arthur Konnerth Arthur Konnerth
Urodzony 23 września 1953 roku w Rumunii ( Timisoara)
Arthur Konnerth jest Hertie Senior Professor of Neuroscience na Uniwersytecie Technicznym w Monachium.

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