Hyphenated Techniques in Speciation Analysis

Ryszard Łobiński
Hyphenated Techniques in Speciation Analysis
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Speciation analysis is a field of trace element analytical chemistry that deals with detection, identification and determination of individual chemical forms of metals and metalloids. There has been increased awareness of the importance of elemental speciation and this has lead to growing demand for analytical techniques capable of providing species-specific information. This resource offers a brief but comprehensive overview of hyphenated techniques and their various applications for the determination of chemical forms of trace elements. It brings a succinct presentation of the concept of speciation analysis, gives an overview of techniques based on coupling of chromatography with element and molecule specific detection and summarizes their applications in the fields of environmental and industrial chemistry, biochemistry, nutrition, toxicology and medicine.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-0-85404-545-7, 9780854045457
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Royal Society of Chemistry

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