Human Memory

G. Radvansky
Human Memory
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The goal of this book is to provide the introductory student with a guide to human memory, its properties, and theories about how it works and how studying it can help us understand who we are and why we do the things that we do. The author opens with an historical chapter on memory research.Complete detailed coverage of the following types of memory are included: sensory, short-term, working, non-declarative, episodic long-term, space & time, semantic, formal models of long-term, and autobiographical.The author offers a unique focus on Memory vs. Reality and Memory and the Law.The book includes a complete chapter on Memory and Development.Detailed coverage on amnesia and other memory disorders is also included.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-205-45760-1, 9780205457601
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Allyn & Bacon

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