Human Biology in OLC Card

Sylvia Mader
Human Biology in OLC Card
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This market leading human biology text emphasizes the relationships of humans to other living things. Human Biology remains user friendly; relevancy and pedagogy are among its strengths. In this edition, as in previous editions, each chapter presents the topic clearly and distinctly so that students will feel capable of achieving an adult level of understanding. Detailed, high-level scientific data and terminology are not included. eInstruction questions are available with this project and can be found on the Online Learning Center. eInstruction is a wireless student response system that allows for the ultimate in classroom participation, giving you immediate feedback from every student|Homeostasis is emphasized throughout the text. The homeostasis sections at the end of specific chapters and the accompanying homeostasis illustrations, have been revised for greater clarity and explain in depth how the body systems work together to maintain homeostasis. |Human Biology features four types of boxed readings. Health Focus boxes provide relevant information and ideas that contribute to our overall well-being. Visual Focus boxes present illustrations that give conceptual overviews, relating structure to function with step-by-step descriptions. Ecology Focus boxes show how the concepts of the chapter can be applied to ecological concerns. Bioethical Focus boxes describe modern situations that call for value judgments and challenge students to develop a point of view. |Online Learning Center--This animation, activity and quizzing rich website provides students many opportunities to enhance and reinforce their studies. The assets on the site are organized by chapter for ease of accessability, and each chapter in the book reminds students of this great learning tool. |A complete set of chapter learning aids includes a listing of chapter concepts, brief concept summaries within the chapter, boldface key terms, summary, and objective questions. Students value tools within the text that help them grasp the concepts. |Each chapter begins with an engaging, real-life vignette that captures the students' attention. The vignette is revisited at the end of the chapter where students are asked to consider the vignette in light of the chapter concepts by discussing critical-thinking questions related to the vignette
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-07-111615-2, 9780071116152
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: McGraw-Hill

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