How to Lead 2e

J. Owen
How to Lead 2e
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What you actually need todo to manage, lead and succeed There has been a long search for the alchemy of leadership; we all want to find the elusive pixie dust that we can sprinkle on ourselves to turn us into glittering leaders. Few of us, however, are likely to become the ideal mix of Nelson Mandela and Lord Nelson. Instead we need something simple and practical. How To Lead cuts through all the daunting hero talk. It is a practical guide that shows how you can develop the skills and behaviours to succeed as a leader at every level of the organisation. This book is based on original research into over 70 of the world's best, and one or two of the world's worst, organisations. It identifies how the rules of success and survival change at each level of the organisation. It also identifies 36 practical skills that leaders have to learn, and shows how you can develop those skills. With new sections on hiring and firing, dealing with the awkward squad and coaching for success, this second edition is your ultimate guide on how to lead and succeed. How To Lead does not guarantee that you will become a charismatic superhero. But it does load the dice in favour of you becoming an effective leader in your organisation. "How great to have a book that does not make leadership like climbing Mt Impossible, but brings it to within the compass of everyday achievement. A wonderfully clear, engaging, detailed and practical book.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-273-72150-5, 9780273721505
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Prentice Hall

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