History of Women's Writing in Italy

L. Panizza
History of Women's Writing in Italy
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A History of Women's Writing in Italy offers a comprehensive historical account of writing by women in Italy. Covering writing from the Middle Ages to the present day, it moves away from narrow definitions of literature, and brings to the reader's attention other forms of expression such as letter writing, religious and devotional writing, scholarly and philosophical essays, travel writing, and journalism. Contributors point to the considerable practical, social and ideological difficulties faced by women in writing and presenting their work to a wider reading public, but also highlight the resourcefulness and determination of women through the centuries in making their voices heard. Extensive guides to further reading and a detailed guide to more than two hundred writers form an integral part of the volume. The international team of contributors have produced a striking work of new scholarship and research, which will be invaluable for students and scholars alike.* The first volume of its kind in English, providing an extensive chronological survey by leading scholars of more than 1400 years of women's writing in Italy * Accessible, introductory approach will be particularly useful to undergraduates and interested generalists as well as advanced students and scholars * Extensive reference features including bibliography of primary and secondary works and biographical guide to more than 150 women writers
Data wydania: 2001
ISBN: 978-0-521-57813-4, 9780521578134
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Cambridge University Press

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