Hematology & Oncology Pearls

Michael Danso
Hematology & Oncology Pearls
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Case presentations review key elements of clinical evaluation and rational management in Hematology/Oncology that are not readily found in standard texts. A brief clinical vignette and a clinical photo are provided for each case, and the reader is encouraged to consider a differential diagnosis and formulate a plan for diagnosis and treatment. The next page reveals the correct diagnosis, discusses the disorder and the clinical course and outcome of the specific patient, and concludes with 3-4 clinical pearls distilled from the case.Examines essential facts about hematologic and oncologic disorders as well as clinical information relevant to the specific patient discussed in the case.Features a consistent patient-case approach in the proven format of the popular Pearls Series®.Helps readers to interpret imaging studies and clinical photographs with an illustration in most cases.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-1-56053-577-5, 9781560535775
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Hanley & Belfus

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