Hearts Exposed: Transplants and the Media in 1960s Britain

Ayesha Nathoo
Hearts Exposed: Transplants and the Media in 1960s Britain
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This book examines the relationship between medicine and the media in 1960s Britain, when the first wave of heart transplants were as much media as medical events and marked a decisive period in post-war history. Public trust in their doctors was significantly undermined, and medicine was held publicly to account as never before.
Data wydania: 2009-01-30
ISBN: 978-1-4039-8730-3, 9781403987303
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Palgrave Macmillan
Stron: 262


Ayesha Nathoo Ayesha Nathoo I am a cultural historian of modern medicine, and I have been awarded a Wellcome Trust Research Fellowship for the project “Cultivating Relaxation in Twentieth-Century Britain”. I am exploring ways in which relaxation practices have acquired therape...

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