Handbook of the History of Logic v 4: British Logic in the Nineteenth Century

Dov M. Gabbay
Handbook of the History of Logic v 4: British Logic in the Nineteenth Century
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The present volume of the "Handbook of the History of Logic" is designed to establish 19th century Britain as a substantial force in logic, developing new ideas, some of which would be overtaken by, and other that would anticipate, the century's later capitulation to the mathematization of logic. "British Logic in the Nineteenth Century" is indispensable reading and a definitive research resource for anyone with an interest in the history of logic. It includes detailed and comprehensive chapters covering the entire range of modal logic. It contains the latest scholarly discoveries and interpretative insights that answer many questions in the field of logic.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-444-51610-7, 9780444516107
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Elsevier Science Publishers
Stron: 750

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