Groups Theory & Experience

Groups Theory & Experience
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The new edition of Groups reflects the author's unique combination of academic expertise and group consultant experience by including the latest research on group dynamics and the most current views on ways to make working in groups more effective. Napier and Gershenfeld present complex concepts in a way that makes them more understandable, recognizing that students are more familiar with the dynamics of individual behavior and building on that knowledge to teach group theory. Throughout the text students are presented with tools that help them apply concepts and theories. Case studies provide real-life context and Reader Activities (reflective exercises) and Individual Experimentsengage students in the learning process by asking them to apply what they learn to their own lives. At the end of every chapter, For Further Information sections list book and web resources to provide an expanded perspective of concepts discussed in the text. New! Chapter 10, From Groups to Teams: The Changing Landscape of Organizational Life, summarizes the latest research on the dynamics of teams and applying it to business and mental health settings. New! Updated exercises have been moved from the end of each chapter to the Instructor's Resource Manual.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-0-618-27044-6, 9780618270446
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Houghton Mifflin Company

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