Globalization & After

S. Dasgupta
Globalization & After
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While accepting that globalization is here to stay, the distinguished contributors to this volume share a scepticism regarding the claims made about its supposed benefits. They believe instead that the present form of globalization is essentially unequal and marginalizing besides being environmentally destructive. Approaching the issues involved from a variety of theoretical and disciplinary perspectives, the contributors address a number of important questions concerning the current form of globalisation and its future course. These include: Does globalization involve integration on a worldwide scale or will there be a levelling off or even a reversal? Encouraged by market forces, will privatization and deregulation of economies increase or will there be a shift in direction or even a reaction? Will globalization lead to a new world order? Is there an alternative to globalization? Overall, this multi-disciplinary volume explores the tensions and dilemmas inherent in globalization, from local, national and global perspectives.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-7619-3506-3, 9780761935063
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: SAGE Publications Ltd

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