Global Public Management

Kathe Callahan
Global Public Management
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Global Public Management offers a collection of cases illustrating managerial problems and policy situations that managers could face anywhere in the world. These cases are then analyzed by universal scholars and practitioners of public management. The case comments focus on identifying the problem in the case and offering suggestions on how to handle the conflict. Taken together, the case and the three different assessments of the case offer a marvelous way for students of administration to gain vicarious experience in managing in a global environment. The cases describe situations that managers might face, and the comments offered by the experts clearly demonstrate that managerial problems are in the eye of the beholder and that there are the alternative strategies to solve the problem. Key Features: - The cases are short, between 3 and 10 pages in length, and they address issues that a typical public manager faces on the job. - This book presents both the problematic situation and a host of proposed solutions. - The suggested interpretations of the cases come from public administration academics and practitioners who have worked or are working in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas, and the Middle East.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-7619-2796-9, 9780761927969
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: SAGE Publications Ltd

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