Get Through Clinical Finals

Andrew Papanikitas
Get Through Clinical Finals
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Forming part of the best selling and well respected "Get Through" series, this book aims to provide medical students with practical advice on how to pass their OSCEs (Observed Structured Clinical Examinations). Authored by a team of recently qualified doctors, this book deals succinctly with topics such as history-taking and counselling, ethics, communication, examination skills and investigations. It also contains a section on how to deal with sensitive situations. Full of tables and figures to aid greater understanding, and completely up-to-date with the latest changes in curricula and examination format, this book will be ideal for revision in the months leading up to finals and is one title that medical students cannot afford to miss!
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-1-85315-615-1, 9781853156151
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Royal Society of Medicine Press

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