Geopolitics of Globalization

Baldev Raj Nayar
Geopolitics of Globalization
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This book explores the various aspects of globalization, especially the role played by geopolitics in its contemporary structuring. It focuses on the role of the US as the hegemonic power along with its European allies. Together, these powers constitute the regime makers in the modern day international system. The others in the system are to varying degrees simply regime takers. Needless to say the regime makers, particularly the US, determine the nature, scope and speed of globalization, and understanding their behaviour and its underlying determinants are crucial for the regime takers. The study operates on an empirically vast canvas, first proceeding to theoretically inform on the nature of globalization and its effect on markets, hegemony, and concentration of economic and political power. It applies findings to the growth of the original Asian tigers, the Southeast Asian nations, China, and the resulting and important influences on India and Pakistan.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-19-569303-4, 9780195693034
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press

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