Generalisation of Geographic Information

W. Mackaness
Generalisation of Geographic Information
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Users have come to expect instant access to up-to-date geographical information, with global coverage - presented at widely varying levels of detail, as digital and paper products; customisable data that can readily combined with other geographic information. These requirements present an immense challenge to those supporting the delivery of such services (National Mapping Agencies (NMA), Government Departments, and private business. "Generalisation of Geographic Information: Cartographic Modelling and Applications" provides detailed review of state of the art technologies associated with these challenges, including the most recent developments in cartometric analysis techniques able to support high levels of automation among multi scale derivation techniques. The book illustrates the application of these ideas within existing and emerging technologies.In addition to providing a comprehensive theoretical underpinning, the book demonstrates how theoretical developments have translated into commercial systems deployed within NMAs. The book explores relevance of open systems in support of collaborative research and open source web based map services. It features state of the art review on multi scale representation techniques. It provides detailed consideration of database requirements and object modeling in support of emerging applications (3D, mobile) and innovative delivery (map generalisation services). It provides illustration through existing map production environment implementations. It contains consolidated bibliography (680 entries), 200 illustrations, author and subject index.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-08-045374-3, 9780080453743
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Elsevier Science Publishers

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