General Circulation Model Development

David A. Randall
General Circulation Model Development
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General Circulation Models (GCMs) are rapidly assuming widespread use as powerful tools for predicting global events on time scales of months to decades, such as the onset of EL Nino, monsoons, soil moisture saturation indices, global warming estimates, and even snowfall predictions. While GCMs have been praised for helping to foretell the current El Nino and its impact on droughts in Indonesia, its full power is only now being recognized by international scientists and governments who seek to link GCMs to help them estimate fish harvests, risk of floods, landslides, and even forest fires.Scientists in oceanography, hydrology, meteorology, and climatology and civil, ocean, and geological engineers perceive a need for a reference on GCM design. In this compilation of information by an internationally recognized group of experts, Professor Randall brings together the knowledge base of the forerunners in theoretical and applied frontiers of GCM development. General Circulation Model Development focuses on the past, present, and future design of numerical methods for general circulation modeling, as well as the physical parameterizations required for their proper implementation. Additional chapters on climate simulation and other applications provide illustrative examples of state-of-the-art GCM design.* Foreword by Norman Phillips* Authoritative overviews of current issues and ideas on global circulation modeling by leading experts* Retrospective and forward-looking chapters by Akio Arakawa of UCLA* Historical perspectives on the early years of general circulation modeling* Indispensable reference for researchers and graduate students
Data wydania: 2000
ISBN: 978-0-12-578010-0, 9780125780100
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Academic Press

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