
James Butcher
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PDxMD is a new evidence-based primary care clinical information system, designed to support your judgment with practical clinical information. The content is continuously updated by expert contributors - who synthesize multiple information resources and deliver updated thinking on the latest in evaluation, diagnosis, management, outcomes and prevention. Based on the breakthrough PDxMD electronic information system, the PDxMD series employs the same comprehensive approach in a book format, organized to support clinical judgment at the point and time of care.Offers in-depth, condition-specific information on diagnosis and patient evaluation, treatment and management strategies, outcomes, prevention/risk reduction, drugs, and more.Provides instant confirmation of clinical judgments for six principal areas: Disease Background, Diagnosis, Treatment, Outcomes, Prevention, and Resources.Features the expertise of nationally recognized leaders in primary care and specialty medicine who have synthesized the latest peer-reviewed resources and evidence-based information.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-1-932141-04-7, 9781932141047
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: PDxMD
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