Game Development Essentials

Anthony Marks, J. Novak
Game Development Essentials
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Game Development Essentials: Game Industry Career Guide is a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in getting a job in the game industry. The book reviews the development of roles on game teams and what skills are needed to fill these roles. Game Development Essentials: Game Industry Career Guide also provides extensive advice and insight on writing a solid resume and building a portfolio that will attract game companies. Not only does it discuss what skills game companies need, it also gives extensive advice and insights on writing a solid resume, building a portfolio that will attract game companies, and preparing for telephone and personal interviews. The guide is filled with helpful tips and suggestions about the entire job hunting process, including practical advice from industry experts. Game Development Essentials: Game Industry Career Guide considers the future of the game industry and what new developing roles will become important as the underlying technology of game development continues to advance. Written in a non-technical manner, this book is a valuable asset for anyone looking for a job, not only in the game industry but also in any field requiring technical expertise and creative talent. * Insightful discussion of skills needed by game companies for various roles on development teams. * Clear and precise information about organizing a resume, writing cover letters, developing references, and building a portfolio of sample work. * Guide to telephone and phone interviews with sample questions to ask, and also what applicants should know about companies they apply to. * Practical advice on dealing with multiple job offers, accepting a job, reviewing acceptance letters, understanding non-compete clauses, and surviving the first weeks at a new company. * Helpful suggestions on changing roles on a game team and looking for job opportunities outside the game industry.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4283-7647-2, 9781428376472
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Cengage Learning
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