Fundamentals of Production Logistic

P. Nyhuis
Fundamentals of Production Logistic
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This book comprehensively encapsulates for the first time the fundamentals of modeling Logistic Operating Curves for production and storage processes including how they can be derived and calculated based on standard operating data. In doing so, the authors clearly demonstrate the mutual dependencies between the often contradictory logistic objectives, i.e. on the one hand low throughput times and high delivery reliability and on the other hand low WIP levels and high rates of utilization. Moreover, they also explain how these objectives can be improved using the Logistic Operating Curve Theory and why this method thus provides an interesting alternative to simulations. Logistic Operating Curves open up the frequently hidden potential of the throughput time and WIP without requiring excessive restructuring or capital expenditures. Through numerous industry based examples this well structured book first provides a thorough introduction to the essentials of the Logistic Operating Curve Theory including the Nine Basic Laws of Production Logistics. Based on this knowledge a variety of useful tools and practical applications are presented and discussed. Finally, using the Excel-based program provided on the accompanying CD-ROM, the reader can then calculate various Production, Storage and Scheduling Operating Curves using their own data. "The Fundamentals of Production Logistics" is thus a theoretical substantiated but practice oriented guideline for improving a production company's logistic quality.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-3-540-34210-6, 9783540342106
Wydawnictwo: Springer

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