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See, learn and discover everything there is to know about food. From nutrition and digestion to the cuisines of the world - even foods of the future! Find out what's healthy to eat and the different ways of cooking as well as important facts on how technology has transformed farming. Teaches the importance of healthy eating Food facts backed by fantastic photographs Part of the popular Eyewitness Guide series Whether you want to learn about what makes organic food different or how your body breaks it down, all your questions are answered in this original visual treat. With easy-to-follow descriptions and photographs, information about food has never been so much fun to digest! 'Eyewitness Guide to Food is a must-have reference book for young people ages eight upwards, to help them make their own choices about healthy eating.' Education Today
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-1-4053-0833-5, 9781405308335
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: A Dorling Kindersley Book
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