Flexible Leadership

G. Yukl
Flexible Leadership
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If you are a manager or a training and development professional, you need concrete suggestions for guiding your organization through rapidly changing conditions and difficult challenges. Flexible Leadership offers a comprehensive theory that integrates findings from different disciplines and more than a half century of research and explains how leaders can effectively enhance the bottom-line performance of their organizations. The authors provide illustrative examples of effective and ineffective leadership, including some from their own consulting experiences over the past 30 years in private and public sector organizations. The book includes information about Leadership and management behaviors that can be used to enhance organizational performance. Improvement programs, management systems, and structural forms that can be used to enhance organizational performance. Integrating direct and indirect forms of leadership. Balancing tradeoffs and competing demands related to performance. Adapting leadership to changing situations. Integrating leadership processes at different levels of an organization. Competencies relevant for effective leadership.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-0-7879-6531-0, 9780787965310
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons

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