Flashman on the March

George MacDonald Fraser
Flashman on the March
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Celebrated Victorian bounder, cad, and lecher, Sir Harry Flashman, V.C., returns to play his (reluctant) part in the Abyssinian War of 1868 in the long-awaited twelfth installment of the critically acclaimed Flashman Papers. Britons held captive by mad barbarian monarch! Fortunately help was at hand: Sir Harry Flashman, arch-cad, poltroon, amorist, and reluctant hero, fleeing first from Mexican bandits, rebels, and the French Foreign Legion, not to mention the relatives of an infatuated Austrian beauty, was in urgent need of somewhere to take cover - even if it meant a perilous secret mission in disguise to the court of a voluptuous African queen with a weakness for stalwart adventurers. Along the way were nightmarish castles, brigand lairs, battles, massacres, orgies, and the loveliest and most lethal women in Africa, testing to the limit the great bounder's talents for knavery, amorous intrigue, and survival.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-00-719740-8, 9780007197408
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Harper Collins

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