Fifty Years of Death Valley Research

J. Calzia
Fifty Years of Death Valley Research
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Dr. Lauren A. Wright and Bennie W. Troxel are internationally recognized experts on the geology of Death Valley, California. In November 2002, they celebrated 50 years of cooperative research together. This special issue of "Earth-Science Reviews" commemorates that special occasion. Wright and Troxel's research in Death Valley covers a wide variety of subjects including stratigraphy, structure, regional tectonics, Quaternary geology, and mineral resources. Their diversity in research is reflected in this volume. The first two chapters add stratigraphic and 13C data to the constantly growing volume of literature on Neoproterozoic global glaciation and the Snowball Earth theory. The next seven chapters are nearly equally divided between late Paleozoic thrust faulting, middle Cenozoic extensional tectonics, and magmatism. The next four chapters describe the late Neogene to Holocene geology and geomorphology of Death Valley, research topics very dear to Wright and Troxel in the last 10 years. The last chapter describes the lead-zinc deposits of the southern basin and ranges. Written by internationally recognized experts on the geology of Death Valley research, this book covers a wide range of geological subjects, including stratigraphy, tectonics, mineral resources, glaciations, and the Snowball Earth theory. It documents Wright and Troxel's dedication, keen observational skills and ability to merge observations with theory.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-444-52752-3, 9780444527523
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Elsevier Science Publishers

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