Historia mody od 18 wieku do teraźniejszości w nowym ekskluzywnym wydaniu. Stroje robią ludzie . Czy kimono czy ubranie wyjściowe - zawsze sąkluczem do kultury i klasy jego nosiciela. Instytut Kostiumów Kyotopowstały w 1978 roku analizuje modę od strony socjologicznej, historyczneji artystycznej. Na 720 stronach w dwóch tomach o wymiarach 24x33,5cmprzedstawia jedna z największych kolekcji na świecie. Clothes definepeople. A person's clothing, whether it's a sari, kimono, or businesssuit, is an essential key to his or her culture, class, personality, oreven religion. The Kyoto Costume Institute recognizes the importance ofunderstanding clothing sociologically, historically, and artistically.Founded in 1978, the KCI holds one of the world's most extensive clothingcollections and has curated many exhibitions worldwide. With an emphasison Western women's clothing, the KCI has amassed a wide range ofhistorical garments, underwear, shoes, and fashion accessories dating fromthe 18th century to the present day. Showcasing a vast selection from the Institute's archives of skilledphotographs depicting the clothing expertly displayed and arranged oncustom-made mannequins, Fashion History is a fascinating excursion throughthe last three centuries of clothing trends. The KCI believes that"clothing is an essential manifestation of our very being" and theirpassion and dedication positively radiate from every page of this book. This special 25th anniversary edition has a chic new format: two volumespackaged in a slipcase.