Fall of the Amazing Zalindas

T. Mack
Fall of the Amazing Zalindas
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Sherlock Holmes stories captured readers' imaginations for more than a century. Now Tracy Mack and Michael Citrin will capture the hearts of a new generation with a unique new twist on these beloved mysteries. Few know: Holmes was assisted by a band of devoted boys, street urchins who loved to solve mysteries, called the Baker Street Irregulars. These boys go everywhere, see everything, overhear everyone undetected. Now, in this exciting tale, Wiggins, Ozzie, Simon, and the rest--with the aid of Pilar, a gypsy girl--help Sherlock Holmes solve the case of the deaths of the Amazing Walendas.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-439-82836-9, 9780439828369
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Scholastic

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