Examination Notes in Psychiatry

Gin Malhi
Examination Notes in Psychiatry
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Students who take the MRCPsych exams have often found the Basic Sciences component one of the hardest to pass and while it underpins all clinical practice, it will continue to be a large part of the Part II syllabus. Examination Notes in Psychiatry, Second Edition is a thorough and expanded revision guide that has helped many trainees tackle difficult subjects, such as Psychological Assessment, Psychopharmacology and Neuroimaging. All the material has been reviewed in the light of college recommendations and the changes to the syllabus, and the book now covers every subject in a succinct, easily absorbable style.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-340-81573-1, 9780340815731
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Arnold Publishers

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