Events Management

Glenn Bowdin, R. Raj
Events Management
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Events Management provides an introduction to the principles and practices associated with planning, managing and staging special events. It looks at important components such as stage and logistic management, marketing and promotion, event evaluation and event reporting to offer a systematic guide to organizing a successful event. Now in its second edition, this successful text has been fully revised and updated to include new case studies and chapters on the economic analysis of events, strategic marketing, and information technologies. It is full of real-life case studies which illustrate key concepts and place theory in a practical context. Examples include the Edinburgh Festival, Glastonbury, Notting Hill Carnival, Open Golf Championship and the Cheltenham Festival. The book: Introduces the concepts of special event planning and management Discusses the key components for staging an event, and covers the whole process from creation to evaluation Examines the event industry within its broader business context Provides an effective guide for producers of special events Contains learning objectives and review questions to consolidate learning Events Management is supported by a website ( which includes updates, downloadable figures form the book and an online , together with links to websites and other resources for both students and lecturers.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-7506-6533-9, 9780750665339
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Butterworth Heinemann
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