European Union and International Development

Maurizio Carbone
European Union and International Development
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The foundations for a development policy were laid down in the Treaty of Rome, but since then the activities and responsibilities of the EU have gradually changed. Providing a systematic analysis of the EU development policy, this new study explores both its bilateral and multilateral aspects. By doing so, it shows the influence the European Commission has on decision making and demonstrates that development policy may provide fresh insights into EU integration theory. Maurizio Carbone focuses on four key decisions aimed at improving the quantity and quality of foreign aid: the volume of aid global public goods untying aids aid coordination. The EU is the leading actor in international development providing more than half of the world's foreign aid. This book discusses a very relevant and topical subject and is the first to analyze the multilateral aspects of EU development policy. The European Union and International Development will be of great interest to students and scholars of development studies and European Union policy.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-415-41414-2, 9780415414142
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Routledge

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