EU Economic Governance & Globalization

M. Campanella
EU Economic Governance & Globalization
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It is through a gradual evolution, rather than by grand design, that the somewhat fragmented economic policies of the EU now appear to be heading towards a rather more robust and coherent economic governance. EU Economic Governance and Globalization considers the following crucial question as the EU enters its final stage of institution-building; will the economic institutions of the EU push ahead to reform its rigid national economies and open them up to globalization and international competition?Focusing on telecommunications, air transportation, currency competition, taxation, eastern enlargement and transatlantic relations, the contributors to this book question whether EU standards, regulatory regimes, and policies are flexible enough to bring about a dynamic and open economy.This book will be of interest to scholars of European and regional studies and international political economy, as well as policy analysts and policymakers.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-1-84064-920-8, 9781840649208
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Edward Elgar

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