Environmental Economics 5e

Scott Callan
Environmental Economics 5e
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Provides an applied, practical approach to environmental economic theory that is accessible to students who have had minimal exposure to economics as well as those with an advanced understanding. With a strong focus on policy and real-world issues, Thomas/Callan's ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS: APPLICATIONS, POLICY, AND THEORY, 5e, INTERNATIONAL EDITION complements economic theory with timely, real-world applications. Undergraduate or MBA students gain a clear perspective of the relationship between market activity and the environment.This text integrates a strong business perspective into the development of environmental decision making for a unique vantage point often overlooked in more conventional approaches. Students learn to use economic analytical tools, such as market models, benefit-cost analysis, and risk analysis, effectively to assess environmental problems and to evaluate policy solutions. With a proven, modular structure, this edition provides a well-organized presentation with the flexibility to tailor the presentation to your needs.
Data wydania: 2010
ISBN: 978-0-538-79731-3, 9780538797313
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: South-West Thomson Learning

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