Emerging Nanotechnologies for Manufacturing

Waqar Ahmed, M.L. Jackson
Emerging Nanotechnologies for Manufacturing
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Nanotechnology is a technology on the verge of commercialization. In this important work, an unrivalled team of international experts provides an exploration of the emerging nanotechnologies that are poised to make the nano-revolution a reality in the manufacturing sector. From their different perspectives, the contributors explore how developments in nanotechnology are transforming areas as diverse as medicine, advanced materials, energy, electronics and agriculture.

Key topics covered include:

Characterization of nanostructures
Micro- and nanomachining
Self-assembly techniques
New applications of carbon nanotubes
Environmental and health impacts

This book provides an important and in-depth guide to the applications and impact of nanotechnology to different manufacturing sectors. As such, it will find a broad readership, from R&D scientists and engineers to venture capitalists.
Nanotechnology to Nanomanufacturing; Gas Phase Nanofication: A Strategy to Impart Fast Response in Sensors; Advanced Characterization Techniques for Nanostructures; Non-lithographic Techniques for Nanostructuring of Thin Films and Bulk Surfaces; Engineering the Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes to Fabricate Novel Nanostructures; Upconverting Fluorescent Nanoparticles for Biological Applications; Micro- and Nanomachining; Design of Experiments: A Key to Innovation in Nanotechnology; Environmental and Occupational Health Issues with Nanoparticles; Commercialization of Nanotechnologies: Technology Transfer from University Research Laboratories; Fabrication of Hydrogel Micropatterns by Soft Photolithography; Nanocrystalline Diamond for RF-MEMS; Applications; Analysis of the Effects of Micromachining using Nanostructured Cutting Tools; Metal Oxide Nanopowder
Data wydania: 2009-12-11
ISBN: 978-0-8155-1583-8, 9780815515838
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: William Andrew Publishing
Stron: 400


Waqar Ahmed Waqar Ahmed Professor of Nanotechnology at the University of Lincoln, UK. His research interests include the synthesis of nanomaterials and nanoparticles and their applications in medicine, dentistry and energy applications Waqar Ahmed is Professor of Nanoscien...

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