Emergency Medicine Manual

O. John Ma
Emergency Medicine Manual
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ACEP sponsorship |Thoroughly cross-referenced to Tintinalli|Distillation of essential clinical content from Tintinalli |Treatments presented in numerical sequence with most important treatments listed first (for example, Hyperkalemia chapter) |Medications bolded with the dose specific to the disorder listed for quick reference (for example, Common Viral Infections chapter)|Chapters carefully edited and often rewritten to optimize clinical utility|Color photos of dermatologic and ophthalmologic conditions|Sponsored by the largest and most influential professional society in Emergency Medicine|Allows reader to quickly find more detailed information in the authoritative parent text|Brings the essential clinical content of the parent text into a portable package|Provides step-by-step guidance |Allows reader to quickly find appropriate drug dose information|Helps book serve as an excellent stand-alone quick-reference |Provides more diagnostic help in these challenging areas
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-0-07-141025-0, 9780071410250
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: McGraw-Hill

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