Embedded Systems

J. Ganssle, Raj Kamal
Embedded Systems
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Famed author Jack Ganssle has selected the very best embedded systems design material from the Newnes portfolio and compiled into this volume. The result is a book covering the gamut of embedded design - from hardware to software to integrated embedded systems - with a strong pragmatic emphasis. In addition to specific design techniques and practices, this book also discusses various approaches to solving embedded design problems and how to successfully apply theory to actual design tasks. The material has been selected for its timelessness as well as for its relevance to contemporary embedded design issues. This book will be an essential working reference for anyone involved in embedded system design! It contains a hand-picked content selected by embedded systems luminary Jack Ganssle. It presents real-world best design practices including chapters on FPGAs, DSPs, and microcontrollers. The book also covers both hardware and software aspects of embedded systems.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-7506-8625-9, 9780750686259
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Newnes
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