Egyptian Art

J. Malek
Egyptian Art
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From the geometrical precision of the pyramids to the golden treasures found in Tutankhamun`s tomb, the art of ancient Egypt has an enduring capacity to attract and intrigue. These remarkable works of art are the concrete expression of the ancient Egyptian`s way of life and their attitudes to religion and the afterlife. In this clear and comprehensive introduction, Jaromir Malek deftly traces Egyptian art from its prehistoric origins through 3000 years of astonishing achievements in the era of the pharaohs to the conquest of Egypt by the Romans.The Art and Ideas series offers introductory books on all aspects of the history of art. Each book is written by an outstanding expert in the field, in an accessible and lively style. Completely up-to-date and comprehensive, these books are essential reading for students and rewarding for anyone curious about art. Books in the Art and Ideas series contain c.150-200 full colour and 50 black and white illustrations: more than any comparable series. They are enjoyable to read with fully integrated text and illustrations throughout, and are authoritatively and stimulatingly written by the leading experts in their fields. They include special features such as glossaries, biographies and comparative chronologies. The series is part of a comprehensive publishing programme to produce the definitive overview of world art at excellent value.By placing the material firmly in its social and cultural context, Malek is able to explain many of the subleties and complexities of the relationship between life and art in the pharaonic period. No other book on Egyptian art gives quite so strong a sense of the painting and statuary as almost inevitable products of the culture of ancient Egypt. (Ian Shaw, Department of Archaeology, Liverpool University)
Data wydania: 1998
ISBN: 978-0-7148-3627-0, 9780714836270
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Phaidon Press Ltd

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