The demand for a second edition of this highly practical book proves that there remains a need for answers to the most frequently asked questions by trainees and their mentors throughout the construction industry, which still seems reluctant to train employees for any role apart from the one originally envisaged for them. Constant restructuring and training to meet ever-changing challenges require vision and commitment from top management. Effective Training for Civil Engineers looks at training, not from the conventional angle covered by most textbooks, but from the perspective of creating a working environment where staff are willing to take risks, change is valued and learning is continuous. The author explores methods by which 'on-the-job' training, or learning by experience can be made more efficient and effective. He covers all aspects of the training of civil engineers from formal education to a professional qualification through the upgraded ICE Reviews. Effective Training for Civil Engineers is fully compatible with the new standards set by the implementation of The Recommendations of the Future Framework Presidential Commission and the Engineering Council's new Standards & Route to Registration (SARTOR'97). This second edition covers all the recent changes in both the training process and qualification criteria for professional civil engineers and will prove an invaluable resource. The author Mac Steels has been involved in graduate training since 1963 and technician training since 1970, becoming the Institution of Civil Engineers' Regional Training Officer ten years ago. The advice and guidance offered within this book are based on his years of experience with helping to resolve the problems faced by some 250 organisations, operating in every aspect of the profession.