Effective Groups Concepts & Skills to Meet Leadership

M. Cannon
Effective Groups Concepts & Skills to Meet Leadership
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This text in ABL's new Educational Leadership series from Peabody College, shows students how to develop effective and highly functioning groups that will enhance school effectiveness The text was developed by the leading scholars in educational leadership as part of a series from one of the leading Schools of Education in the world. It has a strong basis in current research, and easy-to-use, intuitive features, and strikes an effective balance between the informational and the pedagogical. It is perfectly suited to courses in education communications, psychology, business, and public administration. The case studies and interactive pedagogy make this a very practical text.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-205-48291-7, 9780205482917
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Allyn & Bacon

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